Support Archimedes

Although in an economic context not comparable to that of other European countries, where museums and science centers receive much greater funding, our Museum is making a great effort to respond to the needs of society.




Art Bonus is a subsidized tax measure, introduced by art. 1 of Legislative Decree no. 83/2014 and made permanent by the Stability Law of 2016, which recognizes a tax credit of 65% to those who support the public cultural heritage through liberal donations.

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If you care about the Museum of Syracuse and want to help protect and enhance its heritage, make a donation and become a patron too.

The easiest way to make a donation is by bank transfer in our favor:

IBAN IT35W050348190000000004098

Payable to: Ass. Leonardo Da Vinci Art and Projects

Description “Art Bonus – Museum of Syracuse – Tax code/VAT code of the patron – Name of project (optional)”.

To take advantage of the tax credit, simply keep a copy of the document certifying the bank transfer.

If you would like your name to appear on the Museum’s list of donors, please specify request in writing to without written consent, the patron will be considered anonymous.